Current information (departure, arrival) about the Galway Ceannt

Train arrival and departure times accurate to the minute:

1. Time of departure of trains Galway Ceannt (departure Galway Ceannt railway station)

2. Time of arrival of the trains in Galway Ceannt (arrival Galway Ceannt railway station) Current traffic reports (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable)

Timetable Galway Ceannt railway station

Time and track of the departure and arrival of the trains Galway Ceannt railway station


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Galway Ceannt railway station

Location  Station Road, Galway, H91 T9CE

Galway (Ceannt) railway station (Ceannt Station / Stáisiún Cheannt) serves the city of Galway in County Galway. The station itself is located in the centre of the city in Eyre Square.

It is the terminus station for the Dublin to Galway intercity service and the Limerick to Galway and Athenry to Galway commuter services.

There are two platforms at Galway Ceannt; Platform 1 and Platform 2. Platform 2 can only be reached via Platform 1. Platform 1 is used for terminating/departing trains to Dublin Heuston while Platform 2 (a much shorter platform) is used for departing Limerick services.

The services which are provided at the station include ticket machines, a booking office, heated waiting rooms, toilets, a café (Starbucks), vending machines, and a telephone box.

The station also serves as the Bus Éireann depot for Galway City.