Current information (departure, arrival) about the Oulu/Uleaborg Station
Train arrival and departure times accurate to the minute:
1. Time of departure of trains Oulu/Uleaborg Station (departure Oulu/Uleaborg Station)
2. Time of arrival of the trains in Oulu/Uleaborg Station (arrival Oulu/Uleaborg Station) Current traffic reports (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable)
Timetable Oulu/Uleaborg Station
Time and track of the departure and arrival of the trains Oulu/Uleaborg Station
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Oulu Railway Station
The Oulu Railway Station is located in the centre of Oulu, Finland, in the city district of Vaara. All trains are operated by VR. Nearby is the bus station for long-distance buses.
The railway station was built in 1886 when the Ostrobothnia railway line reached Oulu.