Current information (departure, arrival) about the Ljubljana station

Train arrival and departure times accurate to the minute:

1. Time of departure of trains Ljubljana station (departure Ljubljana railway station)

2. Time of arrival of the trains in Ljubljana station (arrival Ljubljana railway station) Current traffic reports (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable)


Timetable Ljubljana railway station

Time and track of the departure and arrival of the trains Ljubljana railway station



Trains, Buses and Flights

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Ljubljana railway station

The Ljubljana railway station (Slovene: Železniška postaja Ljubljana) is the principal railway station in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. It was completed on 18 April 1848, a year before the South railway, connecting Vienna and Trieste, reached Ljubljana. The building was renovated in 1980 by the architect Marko Mušič.


  • Aiga ticketpurchase inv.svg Ticket purchase
  • Aiga information inv.svg Information
  • Aiga baggagelockers inverse.svg Baggage boxes
  • Aiga lostandfound inv.svg Lost and found
  • Font Awesome 5 solid luggage-cart.svg Baggage Loading/Unloading
  • Aiga waitingroom inv.svg Waiting room
  • Aiga toilets inv.svg WC toilets
  • Aiga bar inv.png Bar
  • Aiga shops inv.png Giftshop
  • Aiga telephone inv.png Telephone
  • 2002 currency exchange AIGA euro money.png Money exchange
  • Aiga mail inv.png Mail box


  • 10a stairs inv.svg Staircase to the Railway platforms
  • Aiga elevator inv.svg Elevator to the Railway platforms

Transport services

  • Aiga bus inv.svg Bus station
  • Aiga taxi inv.svg Taxi
  • Aiga parking inv.svg Parking (payment)