The following trains run under the numer 314:

The following trains run under the numer 314:

EC 314 Milano - Zürich

EC 314

Train EC 314  from Milano to Zürich (EuroCity; SBB, Swiss RailwaysTrenitalia)

EC 314 Milano - Zürich Timetable

Current timetables EC 314 Milano Centrale - Zurich HB (Zurich Central)

Train EC 314 Stops:

 Route  Train Stops

EC 314

Milano Centrale - Monza - Como S. Giovanni - Chiasso - Lugano - Bellinzona - Arth-Goldau - Zug(CH) - Zürich HB

EC 314 Today

See where the train EC 314 are running

Delay: Current traffic reports Train EC 314 (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable) - departure, arrival, track.


EC 314 Milano - Zürich Today >>>

EC 314 Milano - Zürich Tourist Information

Train EC 314 travelling from Milano to Zürich cover a distance of around 218 km during the journey..

The average journey time by train EC 314 between Milano and Zürich is 3 hours and 17 minutes.

ICE 314 Frankfurt (Main) - Bruxelles

ICE 314

Train ICE 314  from Frankfurt (Main) to Bruxelles (Intercity Express, Germany, DB)

ICE 314 Frankfurt (Main) - Bruxelles Timetables

Current timetables ICE 314  Frankfurt (Main) Bruxelles Midi

Route: ICE 314 Stops:

 Route  Train Stops


Frankfurt(Main)Hbf - Frankfurt(M) Flughafen Fernbf - Köln Hbf - Aachen Hbf - Liège-Guillemins - Bruxelles-Nord - Bruxelles Midi

ICE 314 Today

See where the train ICE 314 are running

Delay: Current traffic reports Train ICE 314 (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable) - departure, arrival, track.


ICE 314 Today >>>

ICE 314 Frankfurt (Main) - Bruxelles Information

Train ICE 314 travelling from Frankfurt (Main) to Bruxelles cover a distance of around 316 km during the journey..

The average journey time by train ICE 314 between Frankfurt (Main) and Bruxelles is 3 hours and 07 minutes.

IC 314 / D 314 Dobova - Villach

IC 314 / D 314

Train IC 314 / D 314  from Dobova to Villach (INTERNATIONAL, INTERCITY, FAST TRAIN; ÖBB Österreichische Bundesbahnen, Slovenske zeleznice)

IC 314 / D 314 Dobova - Villach Timetable

Current timetables IC 314 / D 314 Dobova stationVillach Central / Villach Hbf

Train IC 314 / D 314 Stops:

 Route  Train Stops

IC 314 / D 314

Dobova - Brezice - Krsko - Sevnica - Zidani Most - Hrastnik - Trbovlje - Zagorje - Litija - Ljubljana - Ljubljana Litostroj - Kranj - Lesce-Bled - Jesenice(SL) - Faak am See - Villach Hbf

IC 314 / D 314 Today

See where the train IC 314 / D 314 are running

Delay: Current traffic reports Train IC 314 / D 314 (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable) - departure, arrival, track.


IC 314 / D 314 Dobova - Villach Today >>>

IC 314 / D 314 Dobova - Villach Tourist Information

Train IC 314 / D 314 travelling from Dobova to Villach cover a distance of around 175 km during the journey..

The average journey time by train IC 314 / D 314 between Dobova and Villach is 3 hours and 28 minutes.

IC 314 Cork - Tralee

IC 314

Train IC 314  from Cork to Tralee (InterCity, Córas Iompair Éireann)

IC 314 Cork - Tralee Timetables

Current timetables IC 314 Cork (Kent) station - Tralee station

Route: IC 314 Stops:

 Route  Train Stops

IC 314

Cork - Mallow - Banteer - Millstreet - Rathmore - Killarney - Farranfore - Tralee

IC 314 Today

See where the train IC 314 are running

Delay: Current traffic reports Train IC 314 (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable) - departure, arrival, track.


IC 314 Cork - Tralee Today >>>

IC 314 Cork - Tralee Information

Train IC 314 travelling from Cork to Tralee cover a distance of around 218 km during the journey..

The average journey time by train IC 314 between Cork and Tralee is 1 hours and 55 minutes.

IC 314 Lillehammer - Drammen

IC 314

Train IC 314  from Lillehammer to Drammen (InterCity, Bane NOR SF)

IC 314 Lillehammer - Drammen Timetables

Current timetables IC 314 Lillehammer Station - Drammen Station

Route: IC 314 Stops:

 Route  Train Stops

IC 314

Lillehammer - Moelv - Brumunddal - Hamar - Stange - Tangen(N) - Eidsvoll(N) - Oslo Lufthavn Gardermoen - Lillestroem - Oslo - Oslo Nationaltheatret - Skoeyen - Lysaker - Sandvika - Asker - Drammen

IC 314 Today

See where the train IC 314 are running

Delay: Current traffic reports Train IC 314 (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable) - departure, arrival, track.


IC 314 Lillehammer - Drammen Today >>>

IC 314 Lillehammer - Drammen Information

Train IC 314 travelling from Lillehammer to Drammen cover a distance of around 178 km during the journey..

The average journey time by train IC 314 between Lillehammer and Drammen is 2 hours and 48 minutes.