The following trains run under the numer 3:
ICE 3 Karlsruhe - Zurich
Train ICE 3 from Karlsruhe to Zurich (Intercity Express, Switzerland, Germany, SBB, DB)
ICE 3 Karlsruhe - Zurich Timetables
Current timetables ICE 3 Karlsruhe Hbf - Zurich HB
Route: ICE 3 Stops:
Route Train Stops ICE3
Karlsruhe Hbf - Baden-Baden - Offenburg - Freiburg(Breisgau) Hbf - Basel Bad Bf - Basel SBB - Zürich HB ICE 3 Information
Train ICE 3 travelling from Karlsruhe to Zurich cover a distance of around 180 km during the journey..
The average journey time by train ICE 3 between Karlsruhe and Zurich is 3 hours and 04 minutes.
IC 3 Basel - Chur
IC 3
Train IC 3 from Basel to Chur (Intercity, Switzerland, SBB)
IC 3 Basel - Chur Timetables
Current timetables IC 3 Basel SBB - Chur
Route: IC 3 Stops:
Route Train Stops IC3
Basel SBB - Zürich HB - Sargans - Landquart - Chur IC 3 Basel - Chur Information
Train IC 3 travelling from Basel to Chur cover a distance of around 167 km during the journey..
The average journey time by train IC 3 between Basel and Chur is 2 hours and 17 minutes.
IC 3 Helsinki - Joensuu
IC 3
Train IC 3 from Helsinki to Joensuu (InterCity, Finland, VR)
IC 3 Helsinki - Joensuu Timetables
Current timetables IC 3 Helsinki - Joensuu
Route: IC 3 Stops:
Route Train Stops IC3
Helsinki - Helsinki Pasila - Tikkurila - Lahti/Lahtis - Kouvola - Lappeenranta - Joutseno - Imatra - Simpele - Parikkala - Kesälahti - Kitee - Joensuu IC 3 Today
See where the train IC 3 are running
Delay: Current traffic reports Train IC 3 (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable) - departure, arrival, track.
Train IC 3 Today >>>
IC 3 Helsinki - Joensuu Tourist Information
Train IC 3 travelling from Helsinki to Joensuu cover a distance of around 436 km during the journey..
The average journey time by train IC 3 between Helsinki and Joensuu is 4 hours and 30 minutes.
See where the trains are running
D 3 Stockholm - Malmö
D 3
Train D 3 from Stockholm to Malmö (Night Train, Sweden, SJ)
D 3 Stockholm - Malmö Timetables
Current timetables D 3 Stockholm Central - Malmö Central
Route: D 3 Stops:
Route Train Stops D 3
Stockholm Central - Norrköping Central - Linköping Central - Nässjö Central - Alvesta station - Hässleholm Central - Lund Central - Malmö Central D 3 Today
See where the train D 3 are running
Delay: Current traffic reports Train D 3 (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable) - departure, arrival, track.
Train D 3 Today >>>
D 3 Stockholm - Malmö Information
Train D 3 travelling from Stockholm to Malmö cover a distance of around 618 km during the journey..
The average journey time by train D 3 between Stockholm and Malmö is 6 hours and 39 minutes.
Neg 3 Niebüll - Dagebüll
Neg 3
Train Neg 3 (RB65) from Niebüll neg to Dagebüll Mole (DB Fernverkehr AG, Norddeutsche Eisenbahn Gesellschaft, Germany)
Neg 3 Niebüll - Dagebüll Timetables
Current timetables Neg 1 Niebüll neg - Dagebüll Mole
Route: Neg 3 Stops:
Route Train Stops Neg 3
Niebüll neg - Deezbüll - Maasbüll(b Niebüll) - Dagebüll Kirche - Dagebüll Mole Neg 3 Niebüll - Dagebüll Information
Train Neg 3 travelling from Niebüll neg to Dagebüll Mole cover a distance of around 13 km during the journey..
The average journey time by train Neg 3 between Niebüll neg and Dagebüll Mole is 0 hours and 18 minutes.