The following trains run under the numer 29:
ICE 29 Frankfurt (Main) - Vienna
ICE 29
Train ICE 29 from Frankfurt (Main) to Wien (Intercity Express, Germany DB, Österreichische Bundesbahnen)
ICE 29 Frankfurt (Main) - Vienna Timetables
Current timetables ICE 29 Frankfurt (Main) - Vienna Central Station
Route: ICE 29 Stops:
Route Train Stops ICE29
Frankfurt(Main)Hbf - Hanau Hbf - Würzburg Hbf - Nürnberg Hbf - Regensburg Hbf - Plattling - Passau Hbf - Linz Hbf - St.Pölten Hbf - Wien Meidling - Wien Hbf ICE 29 Today
See where the train ICE 29 are running
Delay: Current traffic reports Train ICE 29 (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable) - departure, arrival, track.
ICE 29 ICE 29 Frankfurt (Main) - Vienna Information
Train ICE 29 travelling from Frankfurt (Main) to Wien cover a distance of around 601 km during the journey..
The average journey time by train ICE 29 between Frankfurt (Main) and Wien is 6 hours and 24 minutes.
IC 29 Helsinki - Oulu
IC 29
Train IC 29 from Helsinki to Oulu (InterCity, Finland, VR)
IC 29 Helsinki - Oulu Timetables
Current timetables IC 29 Helsinki Central - Oulu/Uleaborg
Train IC 29 Stops:
Route Train Stops IC29
Helsinki - Helsinki Pasila - Tikkurila - Tampere/Tammerfors - Seinäjoki - Kauhava - Kokkola/Karleby - Ylivieska - Oulu/Uleaborg IC 29 Today
See where the train IC 29 are running
Delay: Current traffic reports Train IC 29 (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable) - departure, arrival, track.
Train IC 29 Helsinki - Oulu Today >>>
IC 29 Helsinki - Oulu Tourist Information
Train IC 29 travelling from Helsinki to Oulu cover a distance of around 612 km during the journey..
The average journey time by train IC 29 between Helsinki and Oulu is 5 hours and 54 minutes.
REG 29 Milano - Laveno
REG 29
Train REG 29 from Milano to Laveno (Regionale, TRENORD, Italy)
REG 29 Milano - Laveno Timetables
Current timetables REG 29 Milano Nord Cadorna - Laveno Mombello Nord
Route: REG 29 Stops:
Route Train Stops REG 29
Milano Nord Cadorna - Milano Nord Domodossola - Milano Bovisa - Saronno - Gerenzano-Turate - Cislago - Mozzate - Locate Varesino-Carbonate - Tradate Abbiate Guazone - Tradate - Venegono Inferiore - Venegono Superiore-Castiglione - Vedano Olona - Malnate - Varese Nord - Varese-Casbeno - Morosolo-Casciago - Barasso-Comerio - Gavirate - Gavirate-Verbano - Cocquio-Trevisago - Gemonio - Cittiglio - Laveno Mombello Nord REG 29 Today
See where the train REG 29 are running
Delay: Current traffic reports Train REG 29 (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable) - departure, arrival, track.
REG 29 Milano - Laveno Information
Train REG 29 travelling from Milano to Laveno cover a distance of around 225 km during the journey..
The average journey time by train REG 29 between Milano and Laveno is 1 hours and 44 minutes.
Neg 29 Niebüll - Dagebüll
Neg 29
Train Neg 29 (RB65) from Niebüll neg to Dagebüll Mole (DB Fernverkehr AG, Norddeutsche Eisenbahn Gesellschaft, Germany)
Neg 29 Niebüll - Dagebüll Timetables
Current timetables Neg 29 Niebüll neg - Dagebüll Mole
Route: Neg 29 Stops:
Route Train Stops Neg 29
Niebüll neg - Deezbüll - Maasbüll(b Niebüll) - Dagebüll Kirche - Dagebüll Mole Neg 29 Niebüll - Dageb Information
Train Neg 29 travelling from Niebüll neg to Dagebüll Mole cover a distance of around 13 km during the journey..
The average journey time by train Neg 29 between Niebüll neg and Dagebüll Mole is 0 hours and 17 minutes.