The following trains run under the numer 30:
ICL 30 Aarhus - Copenhagen Central / Koebenhavn
ICL 30
Train ICL 30 from Aarhus to Copenhagen ( InterCityLyn, DSB, Danish State Railways
ICL 30 Aarhus - Copenhagen Central / Koebenhavn Timetable
Current timetables ICL 30 Aarhus Central - Kastrup Station, Copenhagen Airport
Train ICL 30 Stops:
Route Train Stops ICL 30
Aarhus - Skanderborg st - Horsens st - Vejle st - Fredericia st - Odense st - Koebenhavn H - Koebenhavns Lufthavn st ICL 30 Today
See where the train ICL 30 are running
Delay: Current traffic reports Train ICL 30 (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable) - departure, arrival, track.
ICL 30 Aarhus - Koebenhavn Tourist Information
Train ICL 30 travelling from Aarhus to Koebenhavn cover a distance of around 167 km during the journey..
The average journey time by train ICL 30 between Aarhus and Koebenhavn is 3 hours and 10 minutes.
REG 30 Laveno - Milano
REG 30
Train REG 30 from Laveno to Milano (Regionale, TRENORD, Italy)
REG 30 Laveno - Milano Timetables
Current timetables REG 30 Laveno Mombello Nord - Milano Nord Cadorna
Route: REG 30 Stops:
Route Train Stops REG 30
Laveno Mombello Nord - Cittiglio - Gemonio - Cocquio-Trevisago - Gavirate-Verbano - Gavirate - Barasso-Comerio - Morosolo-Casciago - Varese-Casbeno - Varese Nord - Malnate - Tradate - Saronno - Milano Bovisa - Milano Nord Domodossola - Milano Nord Cadorna REG 30 Today
See where the train REG 30 are running
Delay: Current traffic reports Train REG 30 (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable) - departure, arrival, track.
REG 30 Laveno - Milano Information
Train REG 30 travelling from Laveno to Milano cover a distance of around 225 km during the journey..
The average journey time by train REG 30 between Laveno and Milano is 1 hours and 30 minutes.