The following trains run under the numer 285:
EC 285 Praha - Bratislava
EC 285
Train EC 285 from Praha to Bratislava (Eurocity, Ceske Drahy, Czech Railways)
EC 285 Praha - Bratislava Timetable
Current timetables EC 285 Praha hl.n. - Bratislava station
Train EC 285 Stops:
Route Train Stops EC 285
Praha hl.n. - Kolin(CZ) - Brno-Kralovo Pole - Brno hl.n. - Breclav - Bratislava EC 285 Today
See where the train EC 285 are running
Delay: Current traffic reports Train EC 285 (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable) - departure, arrival, track.
EC 285 Praha - Bratislava Tourist Information
Train EC 285 travelling from Praha to Bratislava cover a distance of around 291 km during the journey..
The average journey time by train EC 285 between Praha and Bratislava is 4 hours and 42 minutes.
IC 285 Stuttgart - Zürich
IC 285
Train IC 285 from Stuttgart to Zürich (InterCity; SBB, Swiss Railways, Deutsche Bahn (DB))
IC 285 Stuttgart - Zürich Timetable
Current timetables IC 285 Stuttgart Central (Stuttgart Hbf) - Zurich HB (Zurich Central)
Train IC 285 Stops:
Route Train Stops IC 285
Stuttgart Hbf - Böblingen - Horb - Sulz(Neckar) - Oberndorf(Neckar) - Rottweil - Tuttlingen - Singen(Hohentwiel) - Schaffhausen - Zürich HB IC 285 Today
See where the train IC 285 are running
Delay: Current traffic reports Train IC 285 (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable) - departure, arrival, track.
IC 285 Stuttgart - Zürich Tourist Information
Train IC 285 travelling from Stuttgart to Zürich cover a distance of around 167 km during the journey..
The average journey time by train IC 285 between Stuttgart and Zürich is 2 hours and 55 minutes.
IC 285 Ljusdal - Stockholm
IC 285
Train IC 285 from Ljusdal to Stockholm (InterCity, Sweden, SJ)
IC 285 Ljusdal - Stockholm Timetables
Current timetables IC 285 Ljusdal station - Stockholm Central
Train IC 285 Stops:
Route Train Stops IC285
Ljusdal station - Järvsö station - Vallsta station - Arbraa station - Bollnäs station - Kilafors station - Holmsveden (Söderhamn) station - Lingbo (Ockelbo kn) station - Ockelbo station - Gävle Central - Tierp station - Uppsala Central - Arlanda Central - Stockholm Central IC 285 Today
See where the train IC 285 are running
Delay: Current traffic reports Train IC 285 (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable) - departure, arrival, track.
IC 285 Ljusdal - Stockholm Tourist Information
Train IC 285 travelling from Ljusdal to Stockholm cover a distance of around 297 km during the journey..
The average journey time by train IC 285 between Ljusdal and Stockholm is 3 hours and 17 minutes.