The following trains run under the numer 322:

The following trains run under the numer 322:

EC 322 Milano - Zürich

EC 322

Train EC 322  from Milano to Zürich (EuroCity; SBB, Swiss RailwaysTrenitalia)

EC 322 Milano - Zürich Timetable

Current timetables EC 322 Milano Centrale - Zurich HB (Zurich Central)

Train EC 322 Stops:

 Route  Train Stops

EC 322

Milano Centrale - Monza - Como S. Giovanni - Chiasso - Lugano - Bellinzona - Arth-Goldau - Zug(CH) - Zürich HB

EC 322 Today

See where the train EC 322 are running

Delay: Current traffic reports Train EC 322 (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable) - departure, arrival, track.


EC 322 Milano - Zürich Today >>>

EC 322 Milano - Zürich Tourist Information

Train EC 322 travelling from Milano to Zürich cover a distance of around 218 km during the journey..

The average journey time by train EC 322 between Milano and Zürich is 3 hours and 17 minutes.

IC 322 Lillehammer - Asker

IC 322

Train IC 322  from Lillehammer to Asker (InterCity, Bane NOR SF)

IC 322 Lillehammer - Asker Timetables

Current timetables IC 322 - Lillehammer Station - Asker Station

Route: IC 322 Stops:

 Route  Train Stops

IC 322

Lillehammer - Moelv - Brumunddal - Hamar - Stange - Tangen(N) - Eidsvoll(N) - Oslo Lufthavn Gardermoen - Lillestroem - Oslo S - Oslo Nationaltheatret - Skoeyen - Lysaker - Sandvika - Asker

IC 322 Today

See where the train IC 322 are running

Delay: Current traffic reports Train IC 322 (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable) - departure, arrival, track.


IC 322 Lillehammer - Asker Today >>>

IC 322 Lillehammer - Asker Information

Train IC 322 travelling from Lillehammer to Asker cover a distance of around 187 km during the journey..

The average journey time by train IC 322 between Lillehammer and Asker is 2 hours and 28 minutes.

REX 322 / R 322 Wien / Vienna - Praha

REX 322 / R 322

Train REX 322 / R 322  from Wien / Vienna to Praha (RegioJet; Österreichische Bundesbahnen, Ceske Drahy)

REX 322 / R 322 Wien / Vienna - Praha Timetable

Current timetables REX 322 / R 322 Wien Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof / Vienna Franz Joseph Station - Praha hl.n. (Praha Central)

Train REX 322 / R 322 Stops:

 Route  Train Stops

REX 322 / R 322

Wien Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof - Wien Spittelau - Wien Heiligenstadt - Tulln a.d.Donau - Eggenburg - Sigmundsherberg - Göpfritz an der Wild - Schwarzenau im Waldviertel - Vitis - Gmünd NÖ - Ceske Velenice - Suchdol n.Luznici z. - Majdalena - Trebon lazne - Trebon - Veseli nad - Sobeslav - Plana nad Luznici - Tabor - Olbramovice - Benesov u Prahy - Praha-Zahradni Mesto - Praha-Vrsovice - Praha hl.n.

REX 322 / R 322 Today

See where the train REX 322 / R 322 are running

Delay: Current traffic reports Train REX 322 / R 322 (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable) - departure, arrival, track.


REX 322 / R 322 Wien / Vienna - Praha Today >>>

REX 322 / R 322 Wien / Vienna - Praha Tourist Information

Train REX 322 / R 322 travelling from Wien / Vienna to Praha cover a distance of around 379 km during the journey..

The average journey time by train REX 322 / R 322 between Wien / Vienna and Praha is 5 hours and 12 minutes.