The following trains run under the numer 379:

The following trains run under the numer 379:

EC 379 Kiel - Decin / Praha

EC 379

Train EC 379  from Kiel to Decin / Praha (EurocityDB Fernverkehr AG, Ceske Drahy)

EC 379 Kiel - Decin / Praha Timetable

Current timetables EC 379  Kiel Hbf (Kiel station) - Decin main station (Decin hl.n.) / Praha hl.n. (railway station)

Train EC 379 Stops:

 Route  Train Stops

EC 379

Kiel Hbf - Neumünster - Hamburg Hbf - Büchen - Ludwigslust - Wittenberge - Berlin-Spandau - Berlin Hbf (tief) - Dresden-Neustadt - Dresden Hbf - Bad Schandau - Decin hl.n. - Usti nad Labem hl.n. - Praha-Holesovice - Praha hl.n.

EC 379 Today

See where the train EC 379 are running

Delay: Current traffic reports Train EC 379 (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable) - departure, arrival, track.


EC 379 Kiel - Praha Today >>>

EC 379 Kiel - Praha Information

Train EC 379 travelling from Kiel to Praha cover a distance of around 553 km during the journey..

The average journey time by train EC 379 between Kiel and Praha is 7 hours and 54 minutes.

IC 379 Budapest - Arad

IC 379

Train IC 379  from Budapest to Arad (InterCity, Rumanische Eisenbahnen Caile Ferate Romane, MAV)

IC 379 Budapest - Arad Timetable

Current timetables IC 379  Budapest Keleti (Budapest eastern) - Arad Central

Train IC 379 Stops:

 Route  Train Stops

IC 379

Budapest-Keleti - Szolnok - Szajol - Tiszatenyö - Pusztapo - Ketpo - Csugar - Mezötur - Gyoma - Mezöbereny - Murony - Bekescsaba- Ketegyhaza - Lököshaza - Curtici - Arad

IC 379 Today

See where the train IC 379 are running

Delay: Current traffic reports Train IC 379 (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable) - departure, arrival, track.


IC 379 Budapest - Arad Today >>>

IC 379 Budapest - Arad Tourist Information

Train IC 379 travelling from Budapest to Arad cover a distance of around 251 km during the journey..

The average journey time by train IC 379 between Budapest and Arad is 5 hours and 22 minutes.