Current information (departure, arrival) about theMalmö Centra
Train arrival and departure times accurate to the minute:
1. Time of departure of trains Malmö Central (departure Malmö Central Station)
2. Time of arrival of the trains in Malmö Central (arrival Malmö Central Station) Current traffic reports (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable)
Timetable Malmö Central Station
Time and track of the departure and arrival of the trains Malmö Central Station
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Malmö Central Station
Malmö Central Station (Swedish: Malmö centralstation) is a railway station on the Southern Main Line in Malmö, Sweden, that opened in 1856. It serves approximately 17 million passengers per year.
In 2000, both local and long-distance trains began running directly to Denmark via the new Öresund Bridge. Malmö became the centre of the new Öresund train regional railway system spanning eastern Denmark and much of southern Sweden, which in 2009 became integrated with local buses and trains in most of its service areas. The trains were, however, forced to reverse direction in Malmö’s terminal station, creating delays for anyone travelling to Denmark from Lund and beyond, and restricting the frequency of service, as each train had to both enter and leave Malmö by the same tracks, taking up space in between.
This situation was solved with the opening of the City Tunnel in December 2010, finally allowing through traffic. All passenger traffic to/from Denmark now uses the tunnel, and most local trains use it, too, terminating instead at Hyllie station at the other end of the tunnel if not going beyond Malmö.