Current information (departure, arrival) about the Asker station
Train arrival and departure times accurate to the minute:
1. Time of departure of trains Asker (departure Asker railway station)
2. Time of arrival of the trains in Asker (arrival Asker railway station) Current traffic reports (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable)
Timetable Asker railway station
Time and track of the departure and arrival of the trains Asker railway station
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Asker railway station
Location | Torvveien 4, Asker Norway |
Asker Station is a railway station located in downtown Asker, Norway. Situated on the Drammen Line, 23.83 kilometers (14.81 mi) from Oslo Central Station, it also serves as the terminus of the Asker Line and the Spikkestad Line. The station is located just southwest of the Asker Tunnel and the Skaugum Tunnel, and just northeast the Lieråsen Tunnel. Vy serves the station with local, regional and intercity trains. It is also served by the Airport Express Train and serves as the main bus terminal for the town. The station has six tracks and four platforms, consisting of two island platforms and two side platforms. The station had 8,400 daily passengers in 2008.