Current information (departure, arrival) about the Aalborg Airport railway station
Train arrival and departure times accurate to the minute:
1. Time of departure of trains Aalborg Airport Airport (departure Aalborg Airport station)
2. Time of arrival of the trains in Aalborg Airport (arrival Aalborg Airport station) Current traffic reports (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable)
Timetable Aalborg Airport station
Time and track of the departure and arrival of the trains Aalborg Airport station
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Aalborg Airport station
Location | Ny Lufthavnsvej 100 DK-9400 Nørresundby, Denmark |
Aalborg Airport railway station is a railway station serving Aalborg Airport near the city of Aalborg in North Jutland, Denmark.
Aalborg Airport railway station (Aalborg Lufthavn Station) is a railway station serving Aalborg Airport near the city of Aalborg in North Jutland, Denmark.
The station is the terminus of the Aalborg Airport railway line which links Aalborg Airport with the city of Aalborg. The station opened in December 2020 with the opening of the railway line. The train services are operated by the railway companies DSB and Nordjyske Jernbaner which runs frequent train services from Aalborg Airport to Nørresundby and Aalborg with onwards connections to the rest of Denmark.