Current information (departure, arrival) about the Fredericia station

Train arrival and departure times accurate to the minute:

1. Time of departure of trains Fredericia station (departure Fredericia railway station)

2. Time of arrival of the trains in Fredericia station (arrival Fredericia railway station) Current traffic reports (disruptions and failures, e.g. after storms, temporary changes to the timetable)

Timetable Fredericia railway station

Time and track of the departure and arrival of the trains Fredericia railway station


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Fredericia railway station

Adresse  Jernbanegade 2B
 7000 Fredericia

Fredericia Station er en jernbanestation i Fredericia. Stationen er et knudepunkt for Den østjyske længdebane til Aarhus og Aalborg, Den fynske hovedbane til Nyborg og Fredericia-Padborg-banen.